Mp4 to mp3 app microsoft. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software fromthe Internet.Regards,Savan – Microsoft Support. We suggest you to use yourfavorite search engine to search for the convertor at your own risk.Third Party disclaimers: Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality,safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Hey Condorus,Unfortunately, it is not possible to convert.mp4 files to.mp3 files using Windows Media Player 12.However, there are many third party convertors which will help you to convert.mp4 files to.mp3.
C#.NET - download entire directory from ftp - Asked By goldy gupta on 04-May-11 06:38 AM. Hello to all. For being able to download all files from a FTP directory to a local folder, you will have to list all files in the remote directory and then download them one by one. You can use the following code to do the same.
General Info
I'm still in the process of learning C#. To help myself out, I'm trying to create a program that will automatically synchronise all of my local projects with a folder on my FTP server. This so that whether I'm at school or at home, I always have the same projects available to me.
I know there are programs like Dropbox that already do this for me, but I figured creating something like that myself will teach me a lot along the way.
- Mar 09, 2013 Download, Upload,Delete Files from FTP Server Using C# Posted in ASP.NET, C# By Rashedul Alam On March 9, 2013. FTP is a file transfer protocol. We can use it in different ways. Lot of third party software or tools (WinSCP, FireFTP, FileZilla etc) are available for that. The following C# code will download all the files from the FTP server.
- Jun 01, 2009 Hello, I am trying to download not one, but all files within a remote directory using FTP and C# and then save them to a local folder on my hard drive. How can I do this?john.strez Hi John, For being able to download all files from a FTP directory to a local folder, you will have to list all files in the remote directory and then download them one.
The problem
My first step towards my goal was to just download all files, subdirectories and subfiles from my FTP server. I've managed to download all files from a directory with the code below. However, my code only lists the folder names and the files in the main directory. Subfolders and subfiles are never returned and never downloaded. Aside from that, the server returns a 550 error because I'm trying to download the folders as if they are files. I've been on this for 4+ hours now, but I just can't find anything on how to fix these problems and make it work. Therefor I'm hoping you guys will help me out :)
Martin PrikrylC# Download File From Url
icecub1 Answer
The FtpWebRequest
does not have any explicit support for recursive file operations (including downloads). You have to implement the recursion yourself:
- List the remote directory
- Iterate the entries, downloading files and recursing into subdirectories (listing them again, etc.)
Tricky part is to identify files from subdirectories. There's no way to do that in a portable way with the FtpWebRequest
. The FtpWebRequest
unfortunately does not support the MLSD
command, which is the only portable way to retrieve directory listing with file attributes in FTP protocol. See also Checking if object on FTP server is file or directory.
Your options are:
- Do an operation on a file name that is certain to fail for file and succeeds for directories (or vice versa). I.e. you can try to download the 'name'. If that succeeds, it's a file, if that fails, it's a directory.
- You may be lucky and in your specific case, you can tell a file from a directory by a file name (i.e. all your files have an extension, while subdirectories do not)
- You use a long directory listing (
command =ListDirectoryDetails
method) and try to parse a server-specific listing. Many FTP servers use *nix-style listing, where you identify a directory by thed
at the very beginning of the entry. But many servers use a different format. The following example uses this approach (assuming the *nix format)
Use the function like:
If you want to avoid troubles with parsing the server-specific directory listing formats, use a 3rd party library that supports the MLSD
command and/or parsing various LIST
listing formats; and recursive downloads.
For example with WinSCP .NET assembly you can download whole directory with a single call to the Session.GetFiles
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Internally, WinSCP uses the MLSD
command, if supported by the server. If not, it uses the LIST
command and supports dozens of different listing formats.
The Session.GetFiles
method is recursive by default.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)
Martin PrikrylMartin PrikrylNot the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c#.netftpftpwebrequest or ask your own question.
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Imagine a life without the Internet. You can't, can you? No. Just today, I told one of my colleagues that the human race has grown so dependent on the Internet, and when, for example, a network is down, you cannot do any work. The Internet is good, but it is very scary to come to a realization of our need for the Internet. Today, I will quickly show you how to create an FTP program in Visual Basic.
Let's get technical—but not too much!
In an earlier article, I spoke about UDP and Visual Basic. In this article, I spoke about all the protocols that make the Internet what it is. That just covered the communication part; let's explore the real Internet now.The Internet

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use TCP/IP to link trillions of devices worldwide linked by an array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. Okay, Captain Obvious (that's me), let's move on!
For a good and proper lesson on the Internet and its origins, this Wikipedia article will be helpful.
I am just going to highlight Protocols and specifically the FTP Protocol here.
A Protocol, or rather a Communication Protocol, is a set of rules that enables two or more entities to transmit information to one another.
Common Protocols
Some of the most common Protocols are as follows:
- IP
For more information regarding these protocols, read through this article of mine.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for exchanging files over the Internet.
Our Program
Start Visual Basic and create a Visual Basic Windows Forms application. Add four buttons to your form. I have not named any of my objects. Design your form to look more or less like Figure 1.
Figure 1: Our Design
The Code
You can most likely already deduce that we will cover four FTP operations today. These are:
- Uploading a file to an FTP Server
- Downloading a file from an FTP Server
- Deleting a file from an FTP Server
- Renaming a file on an FTP Server
Before we can do any of those, we need to import the necessary namespaces into our project. Add them now:
The System.Net namespace enables you to work with Internet protocols, Internet Web pages, and Internet resources.
The System.IO namespace enables you to work with any file.
Uploading a File to an FTP Server

Add the following code behind the button Labeled 'UPLOAD':
First up, an FtpWebRequest object gets created. This object will be responsible for sending the specific FTP commands to either identify the user or do a certain function, such as uploading a file. In a Credentials request, I sent through a username and password that were made up (in my case, as this is just an example). I then specified that I want to upload a file. The File stream is then read and sent byte by byte until the Upload is complete. Easy, peasy.
The rest of the code will have a lot of similarities. Obviously, there are more advanced ways of doing this, but this article exists to help you get the basics right as well as familiarize yourself with FTP.
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Add the following code:
As I mentioned, there are a lot of similarities between the previous code and these two pieces. Button 2 downloads a file from FTP. Button 3 deletes a file from an FTP location, all using the same techniques I demonstrated earlier with uploading a file.
Add the last bit of code:
The preceding code renames a file at an FTP location. I also introduced the FtpWebResponse class that assists in giving feedback to operations. In this case, I tested the response and, if an error is returned, I will know that there is something wrong.
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Knowing when and how to work with the Internet's many different protocols is essential in any decent application.