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- Sonic The Hedgehog Rom Hacks Online
- Sonic The Hedgehog Rom Hacking Tools
- Sonic The Hedgehog Rom Hack Pack
- Sonic The Hedgehog Rom Hacks
- Sonic The Hedgehog Rom Hacks Online
- This rom hack features Sonic the Hedgehog but was made using a Super Nintendo game instead of a Sega one. Sonic has a differet repetoire of moves to use in this game too. He can kick and use items which adds a nice twist.
- Play An Ordinary Sonic ROM Hack (beta) Online, An Ordinary Sonic ROM Hack (beta) Sega Genesis / Mega Drive game online through your browser including the old original classic and also new hacked ROMs.
Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe) Hack by Stealth Rev 1 (Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog) is a game that was made by Stealth. This game features Knuckles (not Sonic) with moves from Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis).
ROMs » Sega Genesis - Sega Megadrive » S » Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)Sega Genesis - Sega Megadrive ROMs
Genre: ActionPlatformerRating: ESRB: E, CERO: A, ESRB: K-A
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Game Description & Reviews:
Segas most treasured mascot Sonic the Hedgehog is a fast pace side scroller with many awesome worlds and a great story. You play as Sonic, the fastest thing on 'earth' your mission is to stop Dr. Eggman.
It is a great game and a must have for Genesis console holders. I own all the Sonic games for my Genesis and they are all so much freaking FUN!
tamh rates this game: 5/5What else could be said about a game so classic that even started a competition between two of the biggest companies in video game history ever (and ended it as well!) regarding their mascot characters?
Sonic the Hedgehog is a 1991 classic video game for the 16-bit Sega video console, Megadrive/Genesis, were you fight in pure platforming plus speedrunning style against the evil madman Ivo Robotnik (named Eggman in Japan), who has abducted each small animal in the world and turned them into robots.
To help you in your quest you can gather Rings. Get one or two hundred of them, you get an extra life. Beyond that, they're useful as well: if you have one lone ring in your inventory you'll be invincible. Well, invincible minus if you don't get drowned, crushed or hit by spikes twice in a row, that is. You'll lose all your rings (in a huge explosion of rings) if you get hit, but you'll be still alive.
Sonic is a speedy fellow, and most of the first levels you'll just have to push right to run like mad through grassy hills, together with loop-de-loops and corkscrews, jumping around springs and enemies, but when that's over, real hardcore platforming starts. Sporting some of the most intrincate and notoriously difficult (if you don't know what to do or where to go) map layouts in the whole series, Sonic 1 is sure to have you on the tip of your chair.
In total, you'll face 6 zones, with 3 acts a piece, 6 special zones and a final showoff against Robotnik. Complete the game with the 6 chaos emeralds in your inventory (which you can gather by playing and finding them in the special zones), and call yourself a hero.
All in all, it's a special game, which opened up to a huge series of sequels and classic games.
The first Sonic game. Sonic the Hedgehog was designed as THE competitor to Mario, and for the Genesis era, it was. The USA version was released three days before the Japanese version, on June 23, 1991. A very fun game, it doesn't have the spindash though. Do NOT play the crappy GBA port. Enjoy Sonic's first adventure to defeat Dr. Robotnik!
DeriLoko2 rates this game: 5/5Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe) is a game that was developed and published by Sega. This game features Sonic the Hedgehog (looking forward to defeat Dr. Robotnik) exploring the beautiful stages and saving animals from robots.
LeftyGuitar rates this game: 4/5Sonic the Hedgehog is a action/platform game for the genesis. You play as Sonic trying to defeat the evil robotinic. You will go there many different acts that have three stages each. At the last stage of each act you will fight robotnic. You can jump, run and collect-power-ups. You must collect rings, rings will keep you alive if you get hit. Sonic is one of the best games on the Genesis. The game is bright and colorful and the sound is great.
Read all 6 reviews for Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe) |
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